Architectural Flair, Interior Excellence

From high-end Residential transformations to sophisticated Commercial designs we bring the architectural lens to everything we do.

Neeloo Restaurant, Williamsburg, 2023

We distinguish ourselves through a profound understanding of architecture, seamlessly woven into our design philosophies. 

It is a pleasure to bring our clients’ bespoke concepts to life.
— Marlena Wildmoser Todd

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When bridging the gap between architecture and interior design, we transform spaces into bespoke and cohesive environments that surpass expectation. In addition to curating fabulous spaces, our technical abilities work to maximize functionality, optimize spatial layouts, and seamlessly integrate innovative design concepts into our projects.

  • Kick off your project by scheduling an introduction meeting at the “Get Started” link below, or by reaching out to us at

  • We are currently focusing on commercial spaces within the retail and hospitality sectors - however we are always interested in residential client’s with an elevated eye.

  • Marlena’s hourly rate is set at $85/h

    *10 Hour minimum for new Clients

    Have a set budget? Please reach out and we’ll be happy to provide a proposal of estimated costs for your project.

  • Timelines are contingent to the scope of the project, and can significantly vary. Generally, technical drawings will begin 1-2 weeks from your introduction meeting date.